


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1 losteric modulators of pentameric ligand-gated ion channels are thought to act on elements of the pathways that couple ag
2 233 nM, selectivity versus other P2Y receptor subtypes, and is thought to act as an allosteric antagonist.
3     Circuits in the sensorimotor system (e.g., spinal cord) are thought to be assembled sequentially [10-14], making this
4  most transcription units (gene bodies) in the human genome are thought to be heavily methylated.
5                                       Epigenetic mechanisms are thought to be important for balancing effector and memory
6            Both locomotion and the change in cortical state are thought to be initiated by projections from the mesenceph
7                            Modern desert rodent communities are thought to be strongly structured by competitive interact
8                                         The beta1 and beta2 are thought to be the dominant myocyte ARs.
9 ation of representations corresponding to recent experience is thought to be a critical mechanism supporting long-term me
10                     The formation and retrieval of a memory is thought to be accomplished by activation and reactivation,
11         Impaired inhibition of fear or behavioral responses is thought to be central to PTSD symptomatology, but its role
12 d in Okazaki fragment processing during DNA replication but is thought to be dispensable for DNA end resection.
13                    Conformational freedom of the FMN domain is thought to be essential for the electron transfer (ET) rea
14 y and emotional regulation, and the ACC has motor areas and is thought to be important for error detection, the dialogue
15 aptic scaling is a key homeostatic plasticity mechanism and is thought to be involved in the regulation of cortical activ
16         Aggression in borderline personality disorder (BPD) is thought to be mediated through emotion dysregulation via h
17     Adult mammalian cardiomyocyte regeneration after injury is thought to be minimal.
18                                           In addition, ToxR is thought to be responsive to various environmental cues, su
19            Inhibition of PI3K-dependent exocytosis of TRPC6 is thought to be the underlying mechanism, and recent studies
20  Changes in the cis-regulatory elements of these regulators are thought to constitute the major driver of morphological e
21                                          While adult islets are thought to contain functionally mature beta cells, recent
22                                     Defects in these events are thought to contribute to several human diseases.
23                                         Defective mitophagy is thought to contribute to normal aging and to various neuro
24 d delivery of antifungals to hyphae within necrotic lesions is thought to contribute to therapeutic failure in invasive p
25           Neurons of the rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM) are thought to critically contribute to this process; however
26 ansport of membrane and cytosolic proteins in primary cilia is thought to depend on intraflagellar transport (IFT) and di
27                                  Finally, amphetamine, that is thought to disrupt DAT OF conformation, reduced the concen
28                       Several phototrophic bacterial clades are thought to have evolved before oxygenic photosynthesis em
29                      Neurite outgrowth inhibitor A (Nogo-A) is thought to have a role in the pathophysiology of amyotroph
30                                                        This is thought to have evolutionary origins, highlighting objects
31                                                This process is thought to impair osteogenic and hematopoietic regeneratio
32 yield, or seasonal warming losses, where raised temperature is thought to increase maintenance energy demands and thereby
33 nd recombination at immunoglobulin sites, their persistence is thought to interfere with DNA replication by slowing or im
34                                                    Coupling is thought to involve direct interactions between RNA polymer
35                              Cortico-basal ganglia circuits are thought to mediate goal-directed learning by a process of
36  cardiac LIM protein, cysteine- and glycine-rich protein 3, is thought to mediate cardiac mechanotransduction and stress
37 h experience-dependent changes in brain inhibitory circuits are thought to play a key role during the "critical period" o
38                                                  Antibodies are thought to play an essential role in naturally acquired i
39 od, but interactions with metal ions and phenolic compounds are thought to play important roles.
40  growth factor, transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta), is thought to play a pivotal role.
41 sed O-GlcNAcylation of numerous proteins, and this increase is thought to promote cell survival.
42 e carbon' habitats (mangroves and tidal marshes) seagrasses are thought to provide coastal defence and encourage sediment
43                                These intermediate movements are thought to reflect an unintentional averaging of the comp
44 ted with stereotyped electrophysiological oscillations that are thought to reflect profound disruptions of activity in ne
45                         Adaptation of prions to new species is thought to reflect the capacity of the host-encoded cellul
46       These neurons are heterogeneous, and distinct subsets are thought to regulate different behaviors.
47                                 All other division proteins are thought to require the Z-ring for recruitment to the futu
48 equired for full MoMLV pathogenesis.IMPORTANCE Retroviruses are thought to spread primarily via direct cell-to-cell trans
49 ve diseases, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, are thought to spread to increasingly larger areas of the bra
50 nd synaptic changes induced by long-term potentiation (LTP) are thought to underlie memory formation.

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